Congrats to Misty on her 37 pound weight loss!!! WAY TO GO!
It's been a while since I have posted on our Low Carbies Blog. The main reason is because of this.... My sweet little baby boy! Thats right! I'm using him as an excuse. Shortly after finding out I was pregnant. The craving for carbs was unbearable! After over a year of not eating sugar or white flour, I started again. Now, I regret it. I ended up with Gestational Diabetes and I think that was even worse than dealing with the cravings! Well, my little man is now 3 months old and its time to get back on track. I really want to get healthy again, maybe not quite as strict. I'm on the search for new low carb recipes. Here's what I've been having for lunch lately! FRUITY CHICKEN SALAD! I've posted a chicken salad recipe before ( HERE ) But this one is a bit different. Now forgive me because I didn't measure anything so its based on your own desired amount. Here are the ingredients. Grilled Chicken Cubed Apples Cubed S...